Planning for RAIC 2022 has commenced

RAIC 2021, together with other educational programs of the Parliamentary Education Office (PEO) was unfortunately cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

Now, due to the success of the vaccination program, the PEO has confirmed that it will run RAIC 2022 during ‘Budget Week’ from 9 to 13 May 2022, subject to Government approval.

RAIC 2022 will be different because of Covid. First, the number of students will be reduced. The PEO will only be able to allow 20 students to participate.

Also, Rotary will be limiting the home hosting opportunities due to the risk that Covid presents to hosts. Consequently, all students will need to arrange accommodation with family or friends in the Canberra region.  Family and friends will be responsible for transporting students to Parliament House each day and picking them up at the end of each day,

Participation will be limited to fifteen year 11 students from the Australian Capital Territory and five students from surrounding districts in NSW.

Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 9705 have been contacted to nominate students for the program. Please note that all participants in RAIC, including students, must be fully vaccinated against Covid 19. This is to ensure the safety of all.

We hope that we will be back to normal participant numbers in 2023 and able to select them from anywhere in Australia.

Kind regards,
Natalie Vandepeer-Bradley
Chair RAIC 2022
0438 050 627


to our website

Rotary Adventure in Citizenship (RAIC) is an intensive and fun filled week‑long program to help prepare young adults for full participation as citizens of Australia.

Are you interested in…

Canberra, your national capital
Our Constitution
Your role in citizenship
Australia’s Parliament
Learning about the work of Federal Members of Parliament
Meeting fellow students from around Australia
Sharing your passions and views
Having fun!!

What makes the RAIC program great

Each year around 40 Year 11 students (the delegates) are sent by their local Rotary clubs to Canberra. They are taken out of their comfort zones into new places, set amongst new faces and asked to do new things.

For a week, RAIC puts the delegates “inside” Canberra.

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Your RAIC experience is likely to include

  • Meeting Senators, Members and Parliamentary Officers

  • Observing Question Time and receiving inside analysis from a member of the Press Gallery

  • Participating in role-plays of parliamentary processes

  • A wreath laying ceremony at the Australian War Memorial

  • Exploring Questacon (the National Science and Technology Centre)

  • Visit to the Royal Military College, Duntroon

  • A function in the athletes’ dining room at the Australian Institute of Sport.

Why participate

Find out what it’s all about

Are you…

  • Year 11 or its equivalent?
  • ...eager to see new places and meet new friends?
  • ...interested in getting into places not normally open to the public?
  • ...keen to learn things that are going to be important to you when you become a full Australian citizen in just one or two years?

Rotary Adventure in Citizenship (RAIC) gives you all these things, and more! RAIC is so much more than a school trip to Canberra. For the week of RAIC, you become almost an insider to what’s happening in your national capital. Things you see and do are related to what is timely and topical.

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Applications open on 17 March and close on 21 April 2022, or earlier if all places have been filled.

Step 1

Find a sponsor

Find a Rotary Club in your area and convince them to sponsor you to attend. Click here to find a Rotary Club near you.

Step 2

Complete the application

The application involves completing the application form, the permissions form, providing a 90 second video statement and a photo of yourself. Click here to download an application form.

Step 3

Submit the application

Email your completed forms and associated files to and arrange for the payment.

Hear from others

“I found this week to be the best of my life and if I could do it all again I wouldn’t change a thing.”

2008 participant

“A better understanding of politics and many great memories! One of the best weeks I have ever had.”

2008 participant

“Knowledge about politics; personal development; life experience – independence; friendships.”

2008 participant

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