Are you in Year 11 or its equivalent?

How to apply

Applications open on 17 March and close on 21 April 2022, or earlier if all places have been filled.
To apply for RAIC follow these instructions.

Step 1

Find a sponsor

First, you must find a Rotary Club in your area and ask them if they will sponsor you to attend. You must convince the sponsoring Club that you are very interested in the program and will get a lot out of it. The sponsoring Club has to be prepared to pay the $500 fee for you to attend RAIC. Click here to find a Rotary Club near you.

Step 2

Complete the application

Once you have found a Rotary Club that will sponsor you, save the application form and photo and video permission form to your computer. Then, complete the forms following the detailed instructions on pages 1 and 2 of the Application Form. Have a head and shoulders digital photograph taken. Name it as described in the Application Form. Scan and save as PDF document and photo as JPEG. Click here to download the application forms.

Step 3

Submit the application

When you have completed the forms and had the photograph taken, email them to Note that Sections 1 and 2 will be a Word document and Section 3 and the Photo and Video Permission Form will need to be scanned and saved as a PDF document. The photo should be sent as a JPEG. Last of all, your sponsoring Rotary Club needs to pay the fee of $500. Instructions for this are on page 3 of the Application Form.

Application Form

The application form is in three sections:

Section 1

Your details

Section 1 tells us about you, your parents or carers and your sponsoring Rotary Club.

Section 2

What you care about

Section 2 you tell us about a matter you feel strongly about or which is important in your local community. This is called a 90 second statement and will be printed with others in a book for you to keep.

Section 3


Section 3 contains forms to be signed by your parent or carer regarding emergency medical treatment should this become necessary as well as permission to use photographs and video taken during RAIC.

Get the application forms and start your application now.
