For close to 40 years, young Australians have attended Rotary Adventure in Citizenship (RAIC). It is run by the Rotary Clubs of Canberra and Woden in conjunction with the Parliamentary Education Office in Canberra.

Each year around 40 Year 11 students (delegates) have been sponsored by their local Rotary clubs. That means over 1,000 young Australians have benefited from the “insider” experience of the national capital that RAIC provides.

The contacts of Rotarians have helped make RAIC a different program from the normal school visit to Canberra. RAIC is constantly changing. As the political issues of the time change, so the focus of many of the delegates’ activities change to match. Click here to see what the delegates typically do at RAIC.

But some things are constant. Delegates are home hosted by Rotarian families in Canberra. Many of the hosts are (or have been) inside players in the national capital’s business.

Each year, the delegates have said one of the highlights of the program is the opportunity to meet other young people from all over Australia. They claim that life-long friendships are formed.
