RAIC is so much more than a school trip to Canberra. For the week of RAIC, you become almost an insider to what’s happening in your national capital. Things you see and do are related to what is timely and topical. Below some of the things delegates typically do at RAIC.

Delegates travel to Canberra and are met by their host families.

Delegates arrive at Parliament House and are briefed on the week’s program and protocols.

Introductory role-play and discussion about Parliament

‘Getting to know you’ barbeque and outdoor activities.

Evening focus group meetings to get to know the other young people you will be working closely with throughout the week.

Press gallery tour and discussion with journalists

Official opening of Rotary Adventure in Citizenship by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Lunchtime meeting with members of the Rotary Clubs of Canberra and Woden and lunch time address.

Bus tour of embassy precinct of Canberra

Tours of the High Court of Australia and Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House.

Evening bush dancing.

Federal election role-play. You may be a candidate, a political party member or scrutineer or an Australian Electoral Commission official.

Question and answer session with a member of parliament about why and how they came to be in politics.

Observe Government business in the Senate

Introduction to the Budget process and Budget role play

Evening attendance at Parliament House for the Budget speech.

Role-plays of Senate committee of inquiry and Senate law making debate.

Visit the National Capital Exhibition to discuss the planning behind the development of Canberra as your National Capital.

Official welcome to the Australian War Memorial and wreath laying ceremony.

Tour of the Royal Military College, Duntroon.

Observe the Acknowledgement of Country, Prayers and Government Business in the House of Representatives and General Business in the Senate.

Observe members of parliament making Three Minute Statements in the Federation Chamber

Delegates meet their member of parliament and deliver their own 90 Second Statement.

Observe Question Time in the House of Representatives

Visit Australian Institute of Sport and dine in the athletes’ dining hall.

Observe the Opposition Budget Address in Reply in the House of Representatives.

Discussion of the role of the armed services in a democracy.

Parliamentary quiz. This is the “graduation exam”.

Explore Questacon

Visit a foreign Embassy. Embassy staff will describe their work.

Visit the Australian Defence Force Academy. Australian Defence Force members will speak of their experiences.

Evening farewell dinner and variety concert.

Return travel home
